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  • A Bear Affair

    25th August, 2012 A Bear Affair is an annual gala event that raises much needed funds for Bear Cottage which is the only children’s hospice in NSW. SMA Productions and Opera by Disguise are proud to be associated with such a worthwhile charity. Client Testamonial “What an amazing contribution you made the night…wow! The feedback…

  • Opera by Disguise strikes GOLD!

    9th August, 2012 Opera by Disguise had the mining and surveying industry delegates in rapturous applause as our hoax special guest speaker “Marco DiAngelo” delivered a hysterical speech on the mining industry before bursting into a stunning classical number with his “wife” Maria.

  • Surprise for Enterprise Experts

    The Odecee team of experts specialising in enterprise applications were taken by total surprise by Opera by Disguise, resulting in a standing ovation! Normally not a crowd used to singing…

  • Opera By Disguise…Hit’s the heights!

    Opera by Disguise helped turn our Cruise Express annual passenger reunion on top of Sydney Tower into an experience we will always cherish.

  • Opera by Disguise at Palm Beach

    Dunes restaurant in Palm Beach, one of Sydney’s leading seaside restaurants with a regular Sydney and local clientele, lapped up the surprise performance by Opera by Disguise.