Double trouble at the ACE Awards for Boys In The Band and The Diamonds

Shikye at the Ace Awards

19th March, 2014

It was a big night for SMA at the Australian Club Entertainer Awards with one act nominated and another providing the headline performance. Themed  ‘A Night of Diamonds’ it was no wonder that our hit show The Diamonds were asked to provide the big finale of the night.

Held in The Juniors 700 seater auditorium,  the girls were a huge hit and proud to return the stage where they performed their first public full length concert performance only months earlier.

Nominated second year in a row as finalists in the ‘Best Vocal Group’ category, Boys In The Band attended the night along with company directors Dale Burridge and David Malek.

Other performing artists included Prinnie Stevens and Glenn Cunningham from The Voice, with many more talented nominees performing on the night.